Monday, 4 May 2009

Happy Star Wars Day!

May the 4th be with you.

I have no reason for posting today other than a wish to make you all groan at the terrible lameness of that pun. I promise a real post soon, but how could I resist? It’s a once-a-year opportunity.

Tomorrow serious I will be, my young jedis.


  1. I enjoyed it! May the 4th be with you too.

  2. Thanks, Jen! Though I think I'm going to need more than the Force to get me back to work on my poor neglected Dragonheart. I can almost hear Yoda: "Do or do not. There is no try."

    Just Do It, in other words. I should make that my motto for life.

  3. My favorite Star Wars books are by Karen Traviss, an English writer who is under contract with the David Lucas of the original Star Wars movies. I like her point of view in Boba Fett - A Practical Man; and the three Repulic Commando series - Hard Contact and Triple Zero and Tre Colors. But then, I am nearly a hard-core military science fiction fan, and also enjoy John Sclazi's Old Man's War series, David Weber's Honor Harrington books, and Elizabeth Moons military SF like Vatta's War series.

  4. I've never read any Star Wars books, though I have managed to read a few of David Weber's and Elizabeth Moon's through stealing whatever the Carnivore is reading. I thought Old Man's War was the best space opera I've read in a long while.
